Have A Look Around And Enjoy!

Hello! And welcome to megzpage.20fr.com! On this site you can find lots of info on me, Megan Morris, my family friends and loads of other stuff too! So, just look around, make mental notes and tell me what you think of it by e-mailing me at meganlm64@hotmail.com! All comments are welcome, good, bad or ugly! ENJOY!!!

The History of megzpage.20fr.com!
This website was founded on the 7th of July 2002. It was written as a previous website (which, may I mention, the address of this previous site will NOT! be mentioned on this site) went terribly wrong(and I mean TERRIBLY!).

It was written as an archive for news about me and my life for people who do or do not know me. It gives people who are not familiar with life in Bolton a chance to find out a taste of Bolton life.

What Do You Think Of My Site?
After you have explored megzpage.20fr.com, please email me at meganlm64@hotmail.com and tell me the following things;
Your name
Your age
What town you live in
How you found out about this site
Marks out of 10 for presentation and facts and
Would you come back again?

Extras On This Site!
Not only can you find out all about me and my life on this website, there are also lots of added extras you can find hidden in this site. Read on..

There is also a picture(in the bottom right hand corner of the homepage) which changes frequently and I give you the chance to write a caption for it! To send them, just click on the link below and describe the picture and put your name and town in the e-mail. The best one will get printed.
To send a caption, click on this link.

Helpful Tips!
People who are not familiar with the internet and its uses may struggle a bit when using my site. So, that is why I have reserved a section on the homepage to explain it to you. Those of you who can operate a computer with your hands tied behind your back can just ignore this section.

To move around this website, you use the buttons underneath the sub-headings at the top of the page. If any writing is in blue, then try clicking on it. It might just do something. OK? Good.
To Send any comments, click on THIS link!